Two weekends ago, a friend and I decided to go to a pumpkin patch outside of Lexington. When we arrived no one was wearing a mask mostly because it was outside. We took our masks off and enjoyed the fresh air like everyone else. It was nice to actually see people's faces for the first time in months. It was a really great sight to see and maybe a glimpse of what the near future may hold.
Monday, October 12, 2020
IT'S C A T U R D A Y!!!!!!
This weekend I went to the Kentucky VS Ole Miss football game on October 3rd with my roommate, Jaden Johnson. While at the game, we were required to wear a mask at all times unless eating or drinking. People were supervising and getting onto fans who weren't wearing them correctly. Also, seating was 6 feet from other families. When standing in line for concession, there were stickers on the ground that stated to "Physical Distance" from the person in front or behind you. Overall, the Wildcats did a great job with obidening by the state regulations regarding COVID-19. We were lucky enough to get one picture without a mask, whoops.
College VS Corona
My senior year of high school I had a college math class that was moved to online because of COVID. I ended up actually failing by the end of the year. I believe college being online is a huge disadvantage to students who CHOSE to live on campus and take classes ON CAMPUS. I believe if you risk going to school and being out, it shouldn't be a problem. This should be considered a hardship clause for students. I myself had COVID and school was the last thing on my mind. I felt terrible and was only worried about making it through and making sure my mom wasn't exposed. It is fair this way because everyone is equally exposed. I think we should go back to in-person classes for students and professors who are comfortable enough.
The Back Story and the Details
How Do We Distribute Covid Vaccines?
If worse came to worst and all of the resident in Fayette County were required to get a COVID vaccine, I would distribute it based on districts/school districts. I would just go in order starting from everyone whoever lives in District 1 all the way until you get to the last district. That's only if we had enough for everyone to go around. If we only had enough vaccines for one third of the population, those vaccines would go to healthcare/emergency providers, K-12 students, and residents over the age 65. The population of Fayette County is 326, 954 in 2020. One third of that number is 108,984 resident. Around 58,800 of that population is kids between the ages of 5 and 15. 35,000 resident in this county are over the age of 65. That gives you around 20,000 resident left which is around the same amount of healthcare/emergency providers. Students will be required to have the vaccine before they can start the school year which will insure it is going to be implemented.
TikTok blows up
I found myself during the past 6 months being on social media A LOT. More than I already was before. All I did in the beginning was lay in bed and scroll through Instagram or Twitter. Before quarantine started and I was still in school, my classmates kept telling me about this app called TikTok. They told me it was like which is a social media platform that every middle schooler used back in my day were you could make short videos. One day, I got extremely bored and decided to download it. I made an account and was scrolling through the "For You Page" aka the home page and all the TikToks were about quarantine and COVID. I found out that there were several people that actually got famous over this stretch of time. Examples are like Noah Beck, Addison Rae, and The D'amelio Sisters. They all started trend that happened during national quarantine. Here are some links to some TikToks that were about quarantine that blew up from theses creators.
Outside the US, I have seen where people from Italy were trying to warned the United States about how bad it was and to take precautions fast. ABC News reported a video made by the people from Italy to help Americans from being damaged like they were.
Two weekends ago, a friend and I decided to go to a pumpkin patch outside of Lexington. When we arrived no one was wearing a mask mostly bec...

Now the first thing you might assume about a college kid who gets corona is a party animal who wasn't safe about not getting it. You wou...
Ever since I started my first semester of college, I think I've acquired the symptoms of anxiety. At first I thought I was going to hav...
Wednesday Sept 8th, I had a covid test done at the location across from The 90 just for safety reasons since a few days ago I had felt a lit...